Monday, December 23, 2013

I started work on Z-Universe 2 and a project that I have been planning for a long time, Paperclips VS Cotton balls. I will then be finishing Cow 7 and back to writing Vampyr.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Last night I had a book signing/reading at the fleming county library. It was a lot of fun and thank you to everyone that came. I enjoyed talking to the librarians, it's always great to make new friends. I hope everyone has a great evening and hope to talk to everyone again very soon.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Long day

I cut wood today so now we are ready for the cold days coming up, and my shipment of books arrived that had my new book entitled "Back To Life". A book about how Hitler wanted super soldiers and ended up with what we see today as zombies. My other book called "The Collection" came in which holds inside three books, The Red Light, Back To Life, and Monstrosse. It also includes several short stories and essays of some horror stories I have written in the past. I am tired and wore out from cutting loading and hauling wood so that's all for now, I'll be back soon to give an update on my new huge novel that's coming up next. Scary stuff!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Finished with Back To Life

It took a while to get it the way I wanted it to come out but finally it's finished! It takes place in Europe 1941, Hitler wants super-soldiers and what they get are what we today see as zombies. This is a first in a series that will feature the hero Ethan Briggs. Zombies this time and what will be next? The Germans tried many different things to win the war, the occult, vampires, and even aliens and time travel. We will have to see what comes in the next story, I can't wait! :D

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I have started a kickstarter fundraiser to help me offset the costs of publishing my next novel. I appreciate any help getting this 60,000 word novel finished.

Friday, July 5, 2013

FInished with Monstrosse!

I have finally finished writing Monstrosse.  It has taken longer than I planned

but what ever goes as we plan?  I can now finish Back To Life which is mostly

finished, then start on the long novel Z-Universe 2 (Not the official name of the

new book.)

Thank you everyone who supported me and back me up in what I do.

Robert D. Kiskaden

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bad couple of months

     The past couple of months have been stressful, long, and filled with pain and loss.

Things are good so far this month and I am itching to get Monstrosse and Back To

Life finished and start on the second Z-Universe book.

     I'll be getting ready to get the cover for Monstrosse done sometime within this week.

I have an idea of how I want it and can't wait to see it finished.

     Last night we turned in a contract with the publisher to do a Children's book and I am

excited to see it finished.

     Thank you all that have supported me and are keeping me going, push and ask on

Facebook all you want about how progress is going on my projects.  Writing isn't easy and

any help to keep me from procrastinating would be appreciated lol.  Everyone have a lovely


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Writing Motivation

     I have been in the same routine for so long that things have become stale.

I really need to get out and see some stuff, talk to some people or something.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do to "Shake" things up, please

let me know.

     I am almost up to ten thousand words on "Monstrosse" and will be excited to

get it finished, but I want it to be done correctly so it has been taking longer than

I planned, but as we know things don't always go as we plan.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Long Week

     This has been a long long week; my dear aunt Nancy passed away, I have had to

keep the cattle fed, cut up many trees for firewood, keep up with my college school

work, and try to find time to write.  I know that everyone has weeks like this and it is

such a drain on our bodies and minds, but it helps end the week by talking about it and

put it behind me.

     Book sales are going great, I have other offers and book contracts that are happening

but I will update about all of that very soon.

     I have had so many people wanting the second Z-Universe book to be finished, I have

the story in my head but I won't be working on that until these other two books are

finished.  The second book should be huge because I will be trying to finish the story with

the second part.

     I hope that everyone is doing well and having a lovely weekend.

Robert D. Kiskaden

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yet More Writing

     When a writer is writing it's a private, personal thing.  We are putting down

words that come from deep inside and the story grows and grows, like a child,

something very close to you.  Then you have to take your work out into the world

and be the opposite, talkative and outgoing, and putting out these personal feelings

out for everyone to see.

     I am not saying that I don't like being published and my book selling in all these

other countries, it is just weird how sitting in a corner and writing quietly for months

and months and when you are done you have to leave that corner and share what is

so close to you.

     I have written three more chapters on the story "Monstrosse."  I am enjoying it

so much that I can't wait to get this first part finished.  "Back to Life" is nearing

Ten Thousand words so I'm about halfway there on that story.

     I will be posting some short stories soon on this blog.  I wish everyone to have a

lovely day, keep on reading and don't take no wooden nickels lol.

Robert D. Kiskaden

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Book Signing

Thank you everyone for the support you give me, the book signing was

a first for me and I am enjoying it.  It has been a great experience and I

look forward to finishing my other works and sharing them with you all.

I will be posting a short story about a character in Z-Universe named April,

it is her back story about how she survived once the zombies came and took

over the city.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Still Writing

     I have been writing on Back to Life, When We Were There, and a new one

called Monstrosse, I am writing Monstrosse by hand then typing it up, it has an

older feel to it and is coming out pretty creepy so far.

     I updated my word counts on the meters, and don't forget that the book signing

is on the 26th.  Have a Lovely Day!

Robert D. Kiskaden