This has been a long long week; my dear aunt Nancy passed away, I have had to
keep the cattle fed, cut up many trees for firewood, keep up with my college school
work, and try to find time to write. I know that everyone has weeks like this and it is
such a drain on our bodies and minds, but it helps end the week by talking about it and
put it behind me.
Book sales are going great, I have other offers and book contracts that are happening
but I will update about all of that very soon.
I have had so many people wanting the second Z-Universe book to be finished, I have
the story in my head but I won't be working on that until these other two books are
finished. The second book should be huge because I will be trying to finish the story with
the second part.
I hope that everyone is doing well and having a lovely weekend.
Robert D. Kiskaden